Wednesday 20 July 2011

Bald eagle

Birds of prey or "raptors" are meat eating birds that use their strong feet, talons and hooked beaks to catch and kill their prey.  This group includes eagles, osprey, hawks, owls (Great Horned Owl), kites, harriers, buzzards, merlins, vultures, goshawks and condors.  They eat small mammals such as mice and rabbits, fish, snakes, and even other birds.  Some catch and kill their food and others (like vultures) feast on the leftovers other hunters leave behind.

Look at the photo of the bald eagle to the left.  Can you see how strong it's beak looks?  See how it has a hooked end?  This beak is used to tear into flesh. 
Birds don't have teeth... can you guess why?  Teeth are heavy and would make it very difficult for birds to fly.  This is especially important for birds of prey who must fly swiftly to catch their food.  Birds "chew" their food inside a part of the stomach called the gizzard.  The gizzard has strong muscles which grind the food against a rough inner surface to break it down.