Wednesday 20 July 2011


SIZE : Somewhat larger than the Jungle Crow, with longer neck and tail.
Field Characters : A glistening black duck-like water bird with a longer stiff tail and slender compressed bill sharply hooked at the tip. A small white patch on throat, and suggestion of a nuchal crest. Sexes alike. Singly or in flocks, on or near water.Cormorants are almost exclusively fish-eaters. They chase and capture their quarry under water, being expert divers and submarine swimmers. Flocks sometimes hunt in concert in the manner of pelicans. They also hunt individually. When satiated, the birds may be seen sitting on a rock or sandbank, or on stakes or trees in or near the water, drying themselves with outstretched wings.
Eggs- 4 or 5, long narrow ovals, bluish white in color with a chalky texture. Average SIZE 44.8x29.0mm