Wednesday 20 July 2011


SIZE : About that of the Kite
Field Characters : A black, cormorant-like water bird with a long and very slender S-shaped neck, narrow head and pointed dagger bill. Back heavily streaked with silver-grey; head and neck velvety brown; chin and throat whitish. Tail long, stiff and wedge-shaped(almost rounded). Sexes alike. Singly or in loose parties on tanks&c Resident. Fairly common, but not abundant. Affects open placid streams, village tanks, and dammed reservoirs. On the last the exposed tops of the submerged dead tress provide favorite lookout and wing-drying posts. This is also found in Ceylon , all India , burma , Malaysia ,,Indochinese countries to the Phluppines. Other races occur in America , Africa and Australia . Eggs 3 or 4, very elongated,
pale greenish blue with whitish chalky coating. Average SIZE 52.9x33.5mm