Saturday 27 August 2011

Can the ignorant stranger qualify the crown?

Wednesday 20 July 2011


FIELD CHARACTERS: A familiar slaty grey, stub-tailed, skulking marsh bird with prominent white face, supercilia, throat, breast and middle of abdomen, and rusty red under the tail. Sexes alike. Singly, about thickets on waterlogged ground. Resident. Fairly common. Chiefly low country but upto at least 3000 ft. (c. 900 m.) – Periyar Lake environs. Affects Pandanus brakes and marginal vegetation in swamps and inundated paddy fields. Also the neighbourhood of homestead along the coastal backwaters.Distribution Outside Kerala is in Ceylon and peninsular India north to about lat. 20 0 N. North India , Assam and Burma are inhabited by the race chinensis.
SIZE: About that of the Partridge
Other races extend the species to Malaysia , southern China , the Philippines and Formosa .. Silent except during the monsoon months when breeding, when it becomes particularly noisy. Its food consisit of insects, worms, molluscs, grain and shoots of paddy and marsh plants. Eggs – 6 o r 7, cream or pinkish white streaked and blotched with reddish brown. Average SIZE 39.5X30.0mm


SIZE: About that of the Partridge
A leggy swamp bird, something like the moorhen, with glossy black head and breast, metallic greenish bronze back and wings, and chestnut-red stub tail. A broad white stripe from the eye to the nape. Sexes alike. Young birds chiefly whitish, ruffoous and brown. The outstanding feature of the Jacanas-this species and the next is their absurdly elongated spider like toes. Resident. Not common, but frequent.Its food consists of seeds and shoots of water-plants, as well as insects and molluscs. Eggs-normally 4, very glossy and handsome, bronze-brown with an irregular network of dark brown scrawls. Average SIZE 36.4x25.1mm. The female is polyandrous. The male incubates the eggs and looks after the young